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Elijah Craig 18 Year Old

Creamy Elegance

0 393

@MaltActivistReview by @MaltActivist

16th Mar 2014


Elijah Craig 18 Year Old
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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This is Part 2/5 of a recent Heaven Hill tasting I attended where I tried five bourbons. I also had the chance to meet their international representative Mr. Henry Joe.

This exceptional bourbon from Heaven Hill Distilleries is from a single barrel (the Scotch equivalent of single cask) and has spent 18 years in one place becoming sexy. This was one of the first bourbons I had ever tasted and I was hooked!

Nose: Beautifully creamy and elegant. There's french toast and toffee apples dipped in dark honey with a side of gorgeous vanilla infused roasted carrots.

Palate: The creaminess continues with a chocolate waffle and cherries mixture. But the balanced spices are what makes this special. Black pepper, cloves and cumin all come wonderfully together in tiny pinpricks.

Finish: Long with an oily oakiness and mild spices.

This is truly an exceptional bourbon and one of the oldest I've drunk. And let me tell you something. There was a fire 18 years ago at the distillery which wiped out most of the stock so don't expect a new batch of 18 year olds coming out any time soon.

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Victor commented

A lovely bourbon indeed...too bad that the Elijah Craig 18 yo has almost completely vanished and a few bottles of the original stock aged 20 and 21 years have taken its place, at several times the previous price of the 18 yo.

My local county stores have not had any Elijah Craig 18 yo on the shelves for about 2 years now, BUT I see an online inventory item listing "Elijah Craig 18YR Bourbon 2015" which seems to be awaiting inventory stock. I assume that Elijah Craig 18 yo 2015 must be distillate from the new distillery.

10 years ago 0

CanadianNinja commented

Great review as usual tabarakRazvi! I was quite excited to read it because I picked up a bottle of this just yesterday. I wasn't aware of the lack of stock for this whisky. There are a couple more bottles sitting on some shelves around town... Perhaps I should grab them as well?...

10 years ago 0

MaltActivist commented

@Victor Henry Joe has confirmed that there will be a new batch of the 18yr old coming out in 2015. I'm assuming that's what the website is referring to. I think it will be closer to year end.

@CanadianNinja - thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you picked up a bottle. You won't regret it. And if the price is right I suggest pick up the remaining! Assuming you like it of course!

10 years ago 0