Whisky Connosr

Mellow Corn

A big, soft, shapeless cushion

0 177

@WTCReview by @WTC

19th Feb 2011


Mellow Corn
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this is in our Grains tasting.

Due to the abundance of Corn in the US, American whiskey was traditionally made with a high corn content. By definition, corn whiskey must be made of at least 81% corn. In addition, corn whisky does not require aging but if matured, the barrels must be either virgin oak or used – they cannot be new and charred or toasted as with bourbon production. This is the style of whiskey most usually associated with moonshine.

Mellow Corn is made by the Heaven Hill. It is actually four years old, aged in ex-bourbon casks, which has taken off some of the rough edges associated with corn whiskey and added a touch of spice. It is a simple, sweet whisky that is very reasonably priced (around £21 for 750ml from online retailers).

Dominic says: "The softest of starts, this is the whiskey equivalent of a big, soft, shapeless cushion. Creamier and flabbier than bourbon, nonetheless it has a bourbon-lite soft vanilla, candy and caramel cocktail at its core. Without the lengthy and intense influence of new and charred oak, there is little in the way of tannin and spice to give the whiskey shape, and it tails away sweetly and pleasantly"

Combined notes (and scores) Nose: acetone, violets, Demerara sugar. Taste: gentle at first, quite nutty, slightly perfumed. Finish: woody spice and assertive at end.

Related Mellow Corn reviews


CapnJimbo commented

To a hammer everything looks like a nail. The problem with bourbon lovers like this one who criticize this amazingly harmonious and well-aged corn whiskey based on criterion (new charred oak) that apply only to bourbon. As a reviewer I find it essential to compare like spirits. Thus comparing a bourbon to a single male to a straight corn, bonded whiskey is a foole's errand.

It can't and shouldn't be done. This is one of the best straight corn whiskies on the market, and a bargain it is.

9 years ago 0