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J.P Wiser's Hopped

Hop On Out Of Here

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@talexanderReview by @talexander

23rd Aug 2015


J.P Wiser's Hopped
  • Nose
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Since whisky is distilled from a "beer"(properly known as wort), doesn't it make sense to try to make a beer-like whisky? Of course, the "beer" that is in the washback at the distillery is not usually commercially available as a bottled beer (notice I said usually). Which is too bad, as I've tasted some from the washbacks of Scotland and they taste a hell of a lot better than Molson Canadian or Coors Light!

Wiser's Hopped Whisky is...hopped. What does that mean? You got me - there's very little information on the bottle, and the product is not even mentioned on the website. I presume hops are added to the wort...or are they added to the mash? Or are they added in the barrel during maturation? It doesn't say. Or maybe there are no hops at all (since the ingredient list on this Frankenwhisky is just "Canadian whisky, natural flavour")

The colour is a dark caramel. On the nose - I don't even know what this is. It doesn't smell like whisky...burnt caramel (like, really burnt), heavy oak and stout. Corn syrup. Caramel apple. Cherrywood smoke (smokier with water). Cotton candy. There's a note I can't quite place; perhaps that is the hops (since I don't know what that smells like on its own)? And it doesn't smell much like a dark ale to me. None of these odours are particularly pleasant - imagine if you left your creme brûlée under the torch for about six minutes. If I had nosed this blind, I would have thought it was some weird spiced rum.

Less jarring on the palate - very sweet caramel, some indeterminate spice and more caramel apple. I actually get a fairground feeling when I drink this, somehow. Faint oak and some vanilla; but again, not much like dark ale. Water seems to make it even sweeter. More like their Spiced Vanilla but with very little vanilla.

The finish is rough, hoppy (I think) and has more dark ale characteristics than either the nose or palate. So here we have another flavoured Canadian whisky, but I'll say that it's not the worst I've had. Mix it with ginger ale and you might get a stronger beer-y ginger ale, who knows? Of course, it's proper place is in a boilermaker. Or down the drain.

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talexander commented

A note on the bottle recommends this with ice, which is a slight improvement (though not much). For a dissenting 4 1/2 out of 5 star review, plus some more information on the bottling and on the use of hops in distilling, check out canadianwhisky.org/reviews/….

9 years ago 0

Pete1969 commented

Hops are plants part of which is used to make wort in most European ales, the plant imparts a bitter taste to the brew and is one of the few allowed ingredients in real ale. There has been a move away from many bitters (dark ales) since the introduction of lager to the UK possibly due to the more neutral palate and ease of transition from one Brewers fare to another while in the UK most recently there is a growing movement CAMRA the CAMpaign for Real Ale to promote smaller brewers and maintain the traditions of hopped beers/ meads and stouts. Hops are a bit of an acquired taste as are many real ales although the Brewers are producing more exotic flavours every year to attract the younger market, it still remains a trade mainly for the middle aged, elder person. The bitters from hops may explain the strong burnt element you are detecting on the whisky, while I do drink real ales tend to stay away from the most hoppy( if that word exists) due to the bitter element fine in smaller amounts but can become overpowering which may be the case when coming off the still.

9 years ago 0

talexander commented

Thanks @Pete1969. Yes, to say this whisky is bitter is an understatement.

9 years ago 0