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101 whiskies to try before you die

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goldfilm started a discussion

I received this book for Christmas.

I love Ian Buxton's honesty about not writing as a self-proclaimed whisky guru but as an introduction to whiskies that are worth trying, unique, original or one of a kind, no matter how good they are. In other words, about whisky education and not about best in the world.

The fascinating side (though also a little disappointing) is that he has amazing information about the distilleries history and their particular process to make their whiskies; the downside is that 70% of the descriptions are about the distillery and 30% about the whisky he's reviewing.

Anybody read it? Do you you recommend any other book? I read that Michael Jackson's books are the best. What do you think about whisky books with the author's pointing system and own taste/point of view?

11 years ago

4 replies

broadwayblue replied

@goldfilm, I too am looking for a book or two on whisky. Wondering what others would recommend.

11 years ago 0

maltymatt replied

@broadwayblue So,i just received the book of Dominic Roskrow:the world best whiskies , which is a great book that i really recommend!

11 years ago 0

Mantisking replied

I've got this and the sequel. I like the fact that it's mostly about the distilleries.

11 years ago 0

maltster replied

I would recommend Dave Brooms World Atlas of Whisky; Michael Jacksons Whisky ; the Whisky Yearbooks; Dominik Roskrows The world's best Whiskies and Canadian Whisky by Davin de Kergommeaux. Whisky Opus, Whisky's of the World by Charles McLean and (controversial but interesting) Whisky classified by David Wishart are also good books.

11 years ago 0