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404 - Page not found

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Chookster started a discussion

Members of Connosr may have noticed my multiple postings of my review of an SMWS Yoichi. Every time I attempt to view it it comes up as 404 error - page not found, and i assume if anyone else goes to view it the same thing happens.

Any idea what i'm doing wrong?

11 years ago

5 replies

SMC replied

Well I can see why it generates a 404, there's an extra slash (reviews//smws) in the URL. The website uses the name of the whisky and review to generate a unique URL. I'm going to guess using a decimal point or some other character caused it.

11 years ago 2Who liked this?

SquidgyAsh replied

Contact Jean-Luc Chookster. I had the exact same issue with the Master of Malt 50 yr old Speyside, tried rewriting it, reposting, changing part of the title, etc. Finally I did the smart thing and contact Jean-Luc and he fixed it up perfect!

11 years ago 2Who liked this?

Chookster replied

@SMC you do indeed appear to be correct. @SquidgyAsh thanks for the suggestion, i will do just that.

11 years ago 0

jeanluc replied

Hi @Chookster, it's a bug we're aware of and trying to resolve. Your review should be loading fine now.

11 years ago 4Who liked this?

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