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The 54 is now available in ontario. Anyone have any experience with it?
8 years ago 0
@Spitfire I've had a couple of bottles of Batch 52. This one is very good IMHO. Don't know about the other two on your list but I would get a 50 if I could as a keeper in the bunker. I also really liked Batch 49 as well but it is now gone from my local Manitoba monopoly. I keep checking behind the 52's in case one has been overlooked! Really the 52 is a decadent dram and represents my idea of what an A'Bunadh really is.
8 years ago 1Who liked this?
@Jonesz, Aberlour 100 was an absolute stunner, the predecessor to A'Bunadh. I cannot bring myself to buy the A'Bunadh. I've tried it, but have yet to pull the trigger...you are tempting me.
8 years ago 0
@paddockjudge Compared to you I am a veritable neophyte but I do remember a sample of Mac CS showing up in my mailbox and I do know your opinion of the CS. I truly enjoyed the sample but can only say that the sherry bomb that is A'bunadh, the impossibility of buying Mac CS any more and the thick juicy mouth feel of A'bunadh make it a "no brainer" IMHO. Get some and enjoy it on a bitterly cold Sudbury Saturday Night.
8 years ago 1Who liked this?
Duly noted. I look forward to enjoying this popular sherry bomb.
8 years ago 0
@paddockjudge there's a rumour that a soon to be 47 YO may be opening his batch 47 at a summit near you.
8 years ago 0
@Spitfire you should get as many of batches of 52 and 53 as you can find.They are both absolutely fantastic.I have a slight preference for 53 but many others prefer 52. These are some of the best batches Aberlour have released in recent times but do not get the 50. It pales in comparison to the other two!
8 years ago 0
Haven't compared the 3, but heard good things about the most recent couple of batches. Picked up a 52 yesterday since one of my local bottle shops was nice enough to have it on special. Still have a Batch 9 that seems to have gone unopened. Must make amends soon.
8 years ago 0
@maltmate302 Thanks. I'd heard 53 was good, and some "faint praise" of batch 50--but nothing about 52. Hence this thread. I'll grab a 52, and maybe 53 when I see it.
8 years ago 1Who liked this?
Well I own batch 49 and it is fantastic and it is the first Abunadh owned for myself. My friend let me try batch 52 and it was really good but I believe would give the edge to 49(maybe I am just a bit biased).
Plan to get batch 53 and or 54 but not in my neighborhood for what they want. Hopefully in the States!
8 years ago 0
As my bottle of Aberlour Abunadh batch 46 is almost empty, I'd like to replace it. Checked two local stores, one has a bottle of batch 50, another has a couple of batch 52. And I'm sure if I wait a bit, I'll be able to find a 53. Suggestions?