Whisky Connosr
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All Good Things... Planning for the future

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Nozinan started a discussion

Every (rare) time the Connosr side goes down I wonder if it is for the last time. maybe it's my line of work, or maybe I'm the eternal pessimist. I wonder what will happen if this site disappeared.

I'm sure that many of us have exchanged email addresses and such or may be found on social media with our handles, but what about the content?

I recently (after a long absence) tried to look up a whisky website run by a friend only to find it has been down for a long time. My friend reassured me that all his reviews were safe on Connosr. But what happens when this site becomes a part of history?

Some discussion threads are very valuable and still short enough to read through. And then there are the reviews. Can you imagine the thousands of hours that went into preparing them? The care with which the spirits were assessed and the words crafted?

The thousands of reviews on this site are a treasure of information. Not just a guide for what to buy but on the process of evaluating whisky. To the beginner today this can be a vital resource.

Some of the authors are no longer living. While whisky may not have been the prime focus of their lives, these reviews are part of a legacy.

Personally, I now prepare my reviews on my laptop and then copy the text to the review template on the site. Since 2020, every few months, after the comments have trickled down, I export my reviews in PDF form. This way, I have a record of what I did.

What are all of your thoughts? Have you considered a post-Connors era? Have you planned for it?

2 years ago

2 replies

Timp replied

I feel like this important thread should be replied to even though I don’t have the answer. I would be sad if this site where to go but this has always been the case over the years I have been following whisky sites, so I sort of expect it at some point tbh.

The first site I became obsessed with and learnt so much from was the malt madness site but as that slowed and stopped I had to find new places to go and over the years some of them have dropped by the wayside too.

I think the community here is strong and I have experienced more of that vibe than in any other whisky forum site that I have been involved with. People make the place, so I would imagine if the will is there the contact will continue. As you say @Nozinan

While it continues and I do, then I hope to continue contributing and learning from you all.

Ps I think the reviews are an archive that needs to be saved or respected in the light of how each contributor meant their reviews to be viewed.

2 years ago 6Who liked this?

Pudge72 replied

As someone who was very active on the site for several years before having to significantly step away, for a variety of reasons, for the past several years I have been heartened to see the site continue as it has always served as a touchstone throughout my whisky journey.

That is in no small part to the many friends who I have met (both virtually and in person) through the camaraderie that the Connosr site has facilitated. I have enjoyed all aspects of what the site has had to offer, and especially enjoyed the people who have contributed in ways large and small.

All that to say that I haven’t really contemplated a post-Connosr world. My whisky journey would definitely be a much lesser experience should that come to pass. Slàinte! tumbler_glass tumbler_glass

about one year ago 4Who liked this?

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