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Amrut Single Malt, discontinued?

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IainVH started a discussion

I have been recently told by the sales person in a specialist wines and spirits shop that the standard Amrut Single Malt is being discontinued. Does anyone have any info on this please? It is out of stock on the 'linked' suppliers on Connosr and has disapeared from the two shops I'd spotted it in?

12 years ago

4 replies

Wodha replied

I seriously doubt Amrut is going out of business. My guess is it won't be available in your area. Oust started seeing it here in Seattle.

12 years ago 0

IainVH replied

@Wodha Wasn't suggesting Amrut are going out of business. I was asking about the possibility of them discontinuing their standard Single Malt. As to availability in my area, it was available in one or two outlets up until recently but seems to have disapeared from the shelves. This fact, along with the comment made by the sales person got me wondering if Amrut are ceasing to make the single malt in favour of others in their range.

12 years ago 0

jeanluc replied

It would seem a strange one to discontinue

12 years ago 0

IainVH replied

@Jean-Luc I agree but doing my Sherlock Holmes impression and weighing up the evidence of the comment from the shop, the absence on the shelves and the seemingly permanent 'out of stock' status on the linked purchasing web site, I thought that there may be some milage in the possibility of Amrut shelving the basic single malt from their portfolio to concentrate on another item for example 'Fusion' which seems to be selling in mega quantities and loved by all who have tried it. (that sentence is far too long, forgive me). That's why I thought I'd throw the question open to people with far more knowledge and experience of the world of whisky than I. Thanks for your reply.

12 years ago 0