Gav started a discussion
13 years ago
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13 years ago
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Its been Ardbeg's practice for a while now, they would usually release a 'committee release' label (in this case the alligator) before the officially do the commercial release to the mass market. And these 'committee releases' are as stated for committees, which quite easily, just sign up online to become one. Once you are a committee, you will receive update emails from them as and when they have new releases. If you look up for corryvreckan and supernova, the committee releases are all in white label as well, and they would then change to black label for commercial release. As for tasting note, I believe there ain't any comparison yet, as they have yet to release the 'black label'. And I believe only a small handful, would have even tasted the committee alligator as it was just been shipped out.
hope I've answered your queries.
13 years ago 0
Another difference is the fact that not all Committee Releases also get a general release (e.g. Rollercoaster). I've just found out that the 10.000 bottles of Alligator are all sold out, but 40.000 are being prepared for the general release on September 1st. The biggest difference (I think) is the marketing strategy. Committee Releases are very sought after, create quite the buzz and hence can be seen as a marketing stunt for the general release. Ha
13 years ago 0
(sorry, pushed 'Post Now' too soon). Having said that, I am a member and enjoy the fact that I can taste these bottles before the general release. Why? Ego, mostly, I'll admit (although that sounds a lot worse than it really is).
13 years ago 0
What is the difference between the Ardbeg Alligator (White Lable) and Ardbeg Alligator (Black Label)?! Difference in Volume or Taste?