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Are You Dram Full?

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SquidgyAsh started a discussion

Are you a Dram Full?

'Dram Full - Australia is Australia's premier Facebook whisky club, open to everyone who likes to drink whisky and share their passion with friends.

We have Dram Full Perth, Dram Full Melbourne and in the very near future, Dram Full Brisbane. These Facebook pages are designed to help whisky lovers in Australia and whisky lovers traveling to Australia find out about tastings, ask questions regarding whisky and whisky events around Australia.

We hope to see you Australian whisky lovers there!


Individuals with no link to any whisky bar/product/label can post anything about whisky. Please share whisky news, events, tastings, launches, tips, experiences, questions etc. If you are linked to a whisky bar/product/label, you can only promote your own things if there is an exclusive offer for the group. A discount, an exclusive invitation, etc. If it's not about whisky, don't post it.

10 years ago

3 replies

systemdown replied

Exciting things are happening in Oz! A whisky club for everyone.. awesome!

10 years ago 1Who liked this?

SquidgyAsh replied

@systemdown Indeed buddy! This way when us folks down under travel to a different city we can already be in touch with the local whisky scene, know where the good whisky bars are and which bottle shops are going to stock the bottles that we want!

10 years ago 0

SquidgyAsh replied

If you have friends in Sydney folks, why not invite them to Dram Full Sydney! Pretty soon there will be a Dram Full club in every major Australian city, creating a nationwide web of whisky lovers. No matter where you go in Australia then you'll always know where the best bottles shops are, which whisky bars are worth the visit and which ones are worth a pass, and where the tastings always are!

In Perth, Melbourne and Brisbane we have over 200 members...soon we will rule the Whisky World!

Are you Dram Full?

10 years ago 0

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