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Arran 7 Year Old ‘Lochranza’ 1996 Blackadder Raw Cask


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@markjedi1Review by @markjedi1

25th Nov 2013


Arran 7 Year Old ‘Lochranza’ 1996 Blackadder Raw Cask
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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This independent Arran, named Lochranza after the place where the distillery was built, contains some cask residue, a gimmick that Robin Tucek uses in his infamous Blackadder Raw Cask series. This one was bottled over a decade ago and matured for seven years.

At first, this Arran seems to stink. Besides a powerful caramelly scent, my olfactory organ also detects something that I can only describe as yoghurt flowers or buttermilk gone bad. Kefir! Guimauve, too, which I quite like. A burnt chocolate cookie, drenched in Maroccan tea. What a weird nose indeed!

The attack is rather sharp, with the spices going to work after a second or two. Pepper, licquorice, vanilla, ginger and even a pinch of cinnamon. Only then some white and yellow fruit arrives, but it turns relatively dry at the same time. It remains quite sharp.

The long finish is spicy and sweet and leaves your mouth parched.

The nose is quite interesting, although I am not yet sure whether I like it or not. Neither fish nor fowl. But I do not believe this to be a top whisky, taking everything into account. As far as I know, it is no longer available. Thanks, Stijn.

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