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Arran Batch 1 That Boutique-y Whisky Company


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@markjedi1Review by @markjedi1

9th Apr 2013


Arran Batch 1 That Boutique-y Whisky Company
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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The British retailer That Boutique-y Whisky Company recently introduced her first bottling of Arran, distilled at the Isle of Arran Distillery on, err, Arran. Like all bottles from TBWC, it has no age statement. But since Arran only started producing in 1995, this is 17 years at best, but most likely a bit younger. Arran themselves only introduced their 16 Year Old this year. Let us have a taste.

The nose offers mostly citrus and sweet malt. It even has some weird sauerkraut edge that I usually associate with Bunnahanbhain. Light hint of iodine. Quite some grain. Think vanilla cookies.

It is oily on the palate and the cookies return. But now they are spread with chocolate paste and pears (nice combo, you should try it). Orangettes as well. Zesty. Spciy. Nice salty lining towards the end.

The finish tries to balance sweet and salt, becomes creamy, but does not last very long.

A nice copy of a young Bunna, although that sounds a bit disrespectful. It carries a price tag of around 50 EUR.

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