Arran Peated New Make Spirit
0 080
Review by @markjedi1
About a year ago, I got the possibility to try Arran’s new make. I then said quite boldly that Arran needed better wood as many of their expressions were less fruity than their new make (which I find quite tasty). Now I got hold of their peated new make as well, so let’s get to it!
Oh, my, what a weird nose! Metal, blood and raw meat are the first things that come to mind when sniffing this new make. Raw barley and hay shine through, very farmy and herbal. Yes, pigsty! The fruitiness that I had with the unpeated new make is totally not present here. How bizarre!
It is surprisingly soft on the palate despite the extremely high ABV. I get something creamy and sweet now, but the peat is unmistakably dominant. Smoky and brutal, if you get my meaning. The sweetness has little to do with fruit. Very spicy as well. Think white and black peppers with a single chili in the mix. Feisty fellow!
It evaporates instantly in the mouth, leaving it hot and parched.
This is the stuff that is used for the Machrie Moor. Very special in its embryonic form.
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