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Nozinan started a discussion

Recent events in Eastern Europe have made me think how tenuous our communication network can be. Coupled by the rumour that the good brothers who started this site no longer manage it, I occasionally think "what would happen if this site suddenly shut down?"

What of all the links and relationships that have been built?

Has anyone else thought of this? Any thoughts?

2 years ago

2 replies

Timp replied

I know I haven’t been around that long as a contributor however I would find it a great loss if this site were to disappear. I have and still do learn so much and enjoy the interaction with other members.

I don’t have anything to contribute technically to helping this site continue but would be willing to contribute financially if it was needed. Do we know who actually is maintaining the site and if they are happy to continue?

Good thread. Cheers.

2 years ago 0

BlueNote replied

Does anybody know exactly who is running this site now? There hasn't been any sign of Jean-Luc or Pierre around here for quite some time. I've been here for about 11 years and I have to admit to being somewhat addicted. I hope whoever is currently in charge keeps it going.

2 years ago 1Who liked this?