Black Bottle
0 270
Review by @PeatyZealot

- Nose~
- Taste~
- Finish~
- Balance~
- Overall70
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- Brand: Black Bottle
- Type: Scotch
- ABV: 40%
For something that advertises with an Islay taste profile, it's not as peaty/smoky as one might expect. Ralfy's review brought me on this one, but I dont like it as much as he does. It has a spirity character and minimal maltflavor. Nose is thin, taste is flat, lightbodied and the finish is short and not very pleasant. I can taste some Caol Ila, Bunnahabain, but also a lot of cheap grainstuff. Maybe nice for in the hipflask and/or for beginners, but this doesn't make me very happy. Black Label rather than Black Bottle, amen
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The bottle I have is something that I don't relish drinking. I pretty much offer it to my guests at home that do not know whisky very well. They like it a great deal. Me, not so much. It tastes like Islay soda pop to me.
In fairness to Ralfy, this product might haven been better when he reviewed it. The line has been discontinued in Oregon and perhaps the entire US. If a product is on the way out, what would stop the producer from skimping on the last year or so? Not sure when the bottle you drank from was bottle or the one I drank from, but your review is not far off the mark in my estimation.