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Bottle Locator for Alberta

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SlowPuffs started a discussion

I forgot that my son brought home a way to search for a bottle in Edmonton. A retail owner gave him this website to look at a couple of years ago when he was trying to find me a special bottle.


It looks like it's a "locator" for local businesses. Has any one else seen something similar for your area?

11 years ago

3 replies

MontrealDan replied

Here's all the links I have for each provinces and territories. Some are more useful than others. I'm from Montreal so I use the SAQ website and sometimes check out the LCBO.

BC Liquor Stores www.bcliquorstores.com

Alberta Liquor Connect www.liquorconnect.com/Pages/default.aspx

Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority www.saskliquor.com/SaskLiquorWeb/Home.aspx

Manitoba Liquor Marts Online www.liquormartsonline.com/e/

Liquor Control Board of Ontario lcbo.com/entry.html

Societe des Alcools du Quebec www.saq.com/

New Brunswick Liquor www.nbliquor.com/index.asp

PEI Liquor Control Commission www.peilcc.ca

Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation www.mynslc.com

Newfoundland Labrador Liquor Corporation www.nlliquor.com

Yukon Liquor Corporation www.ylc.yk.ca

Northwest Territories Liquor Commission www.fin.gov.nt.ca/liquor/index.htm

11 years ago 2Who liked this?

Victor replied

@MontrealDan, great summation of Canadian resources! Thanks!

11 years ago 0

SlowPuffs replied

@MontrealDan Yes, this is great. It's interesting to reference the "price points" as well. Most provinces are government controlled. In Alberta, we are privatized so from store to store there can be a variation in pricing as well as "sale prices". In the least, it encourages the spirit of "treasure" hunting.

11 years ago 0