newreverie started a discussion
8 years ago
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8 years ago
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Does Brexit mean we can throw away with the rubbish of non-transparency of a NAS aged components because the EU is no longer dictating policy on this one?
8 years ago 0
Brexit means there is no excuse now for the whisky industry not to tell us exactly what is in their products. the SWA blamed the EU for the rules against disclosing the information. Let's see if John Glaser now tells us the age and proportion of every component of every Compass Box bottling, and if the rest of them follow suit. This should theoretically put paid to NAS. I have my doubts.
8 years ago 0
And just yesterday I read that Brexit will lead to higher scotch costs. Guess time will tell.
8 years ago 0
@newreverie As far as I can put the puzzle together the prices will drop as an effect of the Pound Sterling dropping (fast). For the future (2 to 5 years ahead) Scotland will vote for independance join the EU ánd introduce the Euro. Then prices will rise again/be back to 'normal'.
8 years ago 0
Regardless how long or short lived the improvement of the US dollar vs British Pound Sterling, I am grateful for both the opportunity to purchase on-line some more expensive bottles from British merchants at 10% discount as well as a small reduction in those pesky shipping charges.
8 years ago 0
Also have to imagine one potential loser in this, and additional withdrawals from EU will be Greece among others. Who will take up the burden of providing future loan funding to Greece as more members leave EU?
8 years ago 0
Perhaps a blessing in disguise... I'm heading over to master of malt to do some reconnaissance
8 years ago 0
@OlJas Oddly enough Blantons Gold. I've been on a bourbon kick lately and it's a shame that this not available in the US.
8 years ago 0
@Bigtuna The Blanton's Gold in my collection is from TWE. In hindsight I'd have gone for straight from the barrel. Shipping on TWE evens out when buying 3-4 bottles.
8 years ago 0
One can only hope. I hear Scotland wants to exit the UK and be counted as one of the EU - might be short-lived.
8 years ago 0
@sengjc Ha, didn't Scotland just vote against leaving the UK? Such buyer's remorse. As far as I can see The Brits are making a great decision and Scotland has put their trust in the UK already. For me?, a US citizen, I don't have too much investment, but if it means we can see what we are being sold more precisely I am all for it. Being able to see what is in my whisky would make me much more likely to buy NAS products. In fact my favorite dram of all time so far in my short journey in Scotch is the Flaming Heart Anniversary edition Compass box released last year. I may need to go buy a second bottle before they are all gone. $99 dollars, but worth it in my opinion.
8 years ago 0
Over the years I've bought a few bottles off of the whiskey exchange. Today after the Brexit vote, the pound sterling has dropped almost 10% in value compared to the dollar. That means that the whiskey exchange and other UK sites are now all 10% off for US customers. I also wonder if the decline stays for a while, if we could see a price reduction in local stores.