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BTAC in the STL

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Bourbon_Man started a discussion

Ladies and Gents, It is whiskey season and with this time of the year, people start going crazy for their BTAC, PVW, etc. Although, I am getting sick and tired of having to deal with this craze, I still really enjoy the bourbon that is put out year by year by these distilleries. Thus, would anyone be willing to share any info on when the BTAC collection, especially William Larue Weller, will be on the shelves in MO, especially STL? Thanks

6 years ago

10 replies

Alexsweden replied

Would this be the annual lottery that I've heard of on here?

6 years ago 0

Nozinan replied


What? and give up my advantage?

Sorry, to only "MO" information I'll be sharing is my "Movember" updates.

Actually, I haven't memorized the states abbreviations but if you expand, and by some fluke I do hear about it, of course I'll be happy to share.

6 years ago 0

Victor replied

@Bourbon_Man, I don't know of any Connosr members looking for allocated bourbon and rye in the St. Louis area. For general information on the timing of releases of BTAC/PVW I suggest you check or subscribe to Bourbonr blog website:


If you get onto his e-mail list, he gives a lot of ongoing information on BTAC/PVW releases. I don't go to Bourbonr for taste or opinion, but I do keep their good stream of general info coming in, because it is quite useful and succinct.

6 years ago 2Who liked this?


@Bourbon_Man , welcome to Connosr. In case it wasn't screamingly obvious, the helpful response is the one you got from @Victor.

6 years ago 0

Nozinan replied

@MadSingleMalt It may have been more helpful, but mine was more entertaining. And the intent to help was there, I just don't have the info...

6 years ago 0


@Nozinan, it was "entertaining" to watch you pretend you couldn't figure out where "STL, MO" is? (Every time a Canadian mentions BC or NS or whatever, will it be just so hilarious if the Americans here pretend they can't figure those out either?)

I get it if you don't want to (or can't) help a new guy on the site answer a near-impossible question, but I don't get why you'd post a sarcastic, cutting response that can do nothing but make this guy feel unwelcome.

6 years ago 0

Nozinan replied

@MadSingleMalt did you read to the end?

"of course I'll be happy to share."

6 years ago 0


Well, my mistake!


Never fear! @Nozinan fully intends to decipher the arcane codename of your "STL, MO" location and set aside his mustache-growing endeavors to turn over all rocks and explore all flukes until he can provide you with the advantage-sacrificing leads you need to find your whiskies.

I'm glad I was wrong about that. Here I thought he was being unhelpful. My apologies!

6 years ago 0

SKEPTIC replied

@Bourbon_Man Welcome to Connosr.

While @MadSingleMalt may be lacking in understanding of subtle humour, at least he understands the purpose of Movember.

If you're at all interested in the intertwined history of Movember and whisky, pour yourself a Grand McNish and have a look at how not to attack the problem.


6 years ago 0