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Canadian Whisky

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Marcus started a discussion

Most of my collection has been centered around SMSW and various bourbons. Recently, a friend gave me a bottle of Rich and Rare Reserve, a 3 yr old Canadian bottled in Frankfort, Kentucky. It is owned by Sazerac, a company here in New Orleans. The whisky itself is inexpensive, about $10US per bottle. In my experience, most Canadians have been whiskies to be drunk either with mixers or on the rocks, with little depth or flavor. The Rich and Rare Reserve has some decent flavor, but is very heavy on the alcohol, which has also been my experience with other Canadians. Can anyone recommend a good Canadian with some depth that can be drunk neat? I'd really like to start trying some others.

12 years ago

3 replies

Victor replied

See extensive postings under Discussion, "Canadian Whisky", page 15 of connosr discussions.

12 years ago 2Who liked this?

SquidgyAsh replied

Victor has posted some really good notes on Canadian whiskies in the discussion section. Since I've gotten back into whiskies and improved my palate I have to be honest and state I've yet to taste a whisky from Canada while I've lived in Australia that I would be happy to drink again, much less neat. So far everything has been in the mixer category only.

Best of luck on your search though!!!!

12 years ago 0

talexander replied

I really enjoy Alberta Premium as a basic straight-up very good whisky, which more pronounced rye notes than most. If you wanted to get a little more higher end, try Wiser's Legacy. In fact, the basic Wiser's Deluxe is also good, I think. Some of the higher-end Crown Royals (Limited Edition, XR, etc) are very nice, as is Forty Creek. But I agree, I find most Canadian whiskies underwhelming. Here in Toronto at the upcoming Spirit of Toronto whisky event, Davin de Kergommeaux is doing a Masterclass "Canadian Whisky, For Export Only" to taste and discuss Canadian whiskies that are not available here in Canada (including, I presume, the Rich and Rare Reserve you have). Greatly looking forward to that!

12 years ago 0