smokeybarrels started a discussion
12 years ago
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12 years ago
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@smokeybarrels While I'm not a fan of chilled whisky in general nor of the Snow Grouse in particular, I did prefer this one chilled. Being very spirity and vodka-like, the Snow Grouse didn't please me at room temperature (and frankly, neither did it chilled).
12 years ago 2Who liked this?
I store my White Owl Whisky in the freezer and drink it neat. Oddly enough, I find that it actual reminds me of Korean Soju. I can't say that it's my first choice (or my first dozen choices), but it's nice on occasion.
12 years ago 0
In Queensland, Australia, in high Summer when temperatures go past 30deg. sometimes approaching 40deg. I have drunk mostly chilled Ale but on those ocassions that I fancied a Malt Whisky, no matter what, a Glencairn glass in the freezer for an hour or so and then the non-chilled Whisky added to the glass makes the Whisky drinkable: The solid base of the Glencairn is sufficient to keep the Whisky cool(ish).
This works for me and is not unacceptable taken with the aforementioned chilled Ale as a 'chaser'...Yum!
You have to accept the fact that with the better, 'non-chill filtered' Whiskies you will get an instant cloudy dram.
12 years ago 0
If a whisky is 'hot', you could add water but I generally prefer adding water.
12 years ago 0
I have recently discovered the delights of Johnnie Walker Gold label served chilled (bottle in the freezer for a day before sampling) and "neat". Sublime! Are there any other whiskies that work particularly well when cold? Cheers.