jeanluc started a discussion
11 years ago
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11 years ago
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@Jean-Luc Great post I just spent time surfing this site, wow it was great time. Thanks again for the heads up.
11 years ago 0
I might as well just send this to my parents, girlfriend, and sister right now!
11 years ago 1Who liked this?
I'm not a Bourbon fan, so family and friends could skip the Four Roses recommendation, but the rest of the list would make a pretty decent Christmas List for me. Thanks for sharing Jean-Luc!
11 years ago 0
@Stu-R has created a Christmas Whisky Buying Guide for us over at the Whisky Marketplace Blog… with recommendations by price range and whisky geeky-ness ratings.
Great to send to your family and friends as a big gift hint :)
What are your Christmas recommendations? Please share!