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Coming Fall 2017: Canadian Club 40 YO

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17 replies

Nozinan replied

Ooooh, and at 45% too...pretty good for a 40 YO. How many hundreds will they be asking?

7 years ago 0

Nelom replied

I have no idea what the price will be. All I know is what is in that Instagram post I linked above, which is basically just the vague timing and that picture.

7 years ago 0

Nelom replied

Windsor Star has posted an article that has a pretty good amount of information, so I recommend clicking through and reading the whole thing, but here are some highlights:

  • $250 price tag
  • Limited to 7000 bottles
  • Hits shelves in mid-October
  • Will only be released in Canada
  • Once-used, re-charred, Bourbon barrels
  • Came out of the barrel at 60% ABV, has been diluted to 45%
  • No colouring was used
  • Whisky Advocate scored it 96/100
  • Oldest Canadian whisky ever released (previous record was 37 years)

They also say it has not been blended. I'm unclear on if this means it's a single barrel release and therefore there'll be variations between bottles, or if they've combined multiple barrels of the same distillate.

Here's a link to the article again:


6 years ago 0

Nozinan replied

@Nelom interesting that they say it was perfect out of the barrel and then they diluted the flavour by 25%.

6 years ago 1Who liked this?

Nelom replied

@Nozinan Yeah, I saw that. smirk

I'm guessing $$$ is the answer. To bring in the same money without diluting the stuff, they'd have to charge $330 a bottle instead of $250, since they would've only had 5250 bottles. Maybe they felt $250 is about the most the market will bear.

Personally I suspect it would've sold at $330 too, but I could well be dead wrong on that.

6 years ago 0

Mancub replied

@Nelom I didn't see that you had previously posted this before starting a new thread a few days ago on CC40yo, my mistake! What are your thoughts? Do you think you will try to get a bottle?

6 years ago 0

Nelom replied

@Mancub No worries. I've done the same in the past. relaxed

As for whether I'll try to get one... I don't think so. I've signed up for a tasting and if I do end up getting to try some, maybe I'll change my tune, but $250 is too steep for a blind buy for me.

How about you? Or anyone reading this thread for that matter. relaxed

6 years ago 1Who liked this?

Mancub replied

I also signed up for the tasting, which would be cool if it panned out. At this time I have no intention of purchasing, it's very tempting though. Who knows when CC40yo will be available again or if it will? There are a lot of releases coming out for us this October and the truth of the matter is I already have to pick and choose from them.

6 years ago 1Who liked this?

Nozinan replied

@Nelom As with the Wiser's, it just isn't in my budget. I have too much good stuff already and this would have to be earth shattering

6 years ago 1Who liked this?


I signed up for the North York tasting. Who knows if I'll be invited...I doubt I'd spend that much on a whisky but tasting it would be great fun.

6 years ago 0

Nelom replied

Just got an e-mail from Canadian Club (they've been sending updates ever since I signed up for that tasting session mentioned above) and they're saying that:

Canadian Club 40 year old will be available in Toronto on October 27th

There's no mention of where in Toronto (I'm assuming at least Summerhill) or when the rest of the country should expect it.

6 years ago 0

paddockjudge replied

@Nelom Where are you? your absence has been noticed!

6 years ago 0

Nelom replied

I'm around. relaxed I'm really busy at the moment so haven't had much time for the internet lately. Did I miss anything?

6 years ago 0

Nozinan replied

@Nelom Only the most ridiculous KGBO release ever...

6 years ago 0

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