GlenS started a discussion
9 years ago
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9 years ago
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Hi @GlenS, I don't know too much about older Glenfarclas 105 bottles but after 200+ bottles consumed I have had one broken cork and that was with a Glenfarclas 105. Thus old or modern does not seem to matter in this case.
9 years ago 0
My main problem with Glenfarclases is the sulfur issue. I don't like much sulfur. It is a pet peeve of mine. I once had a bottle of the 17 that was very sulfuric to the point of taking it back to the store. Adding water made the problem far worse. I also got a 25 that I took back for sulfur issues. This said, an older 21 that I tasted in a five star hotel was among my very favorite glasses of scotch ever. I hope Farclas handles the sulfur issue. The company probably has by now. I have tasted some over sulfuric Springbanks too. It makes me nervous to buy the refill sherry cask special bottlings from Springbank. They can be really fantastic but when they are bad, sulfur is often to blame.
9 years ago 0
Bought an old dusty Glenfarclas 105 (the old taller bottle with the tin case). I just noticed there are particles on the bottom of the bottle (it might be very tiny strips of cork that have fallen off). I'm tempted to strain it and put the scotch in a spare empty screw top. Anyone had this issue?