SamM started a discussion
12 years ago
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12 years ago
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@SamM Great, thanks for posting questions. Could you please elaborate on "Is heritage important when considering malt?" as I do not quite understand what this is asking. Thanks.
12 years ago 0
@systemdown Hi system, thats not a problem, as I say any help would be much appreciated. The question refers to the authenticity of the malts you consume. When considering which malt to purchase, is the heritage of it an influencing factor? What does the heritage mean to you? Does it stand for quality etc. I hope that made it a little clearer. S x
12 years ago 0
@markjedi1 And recieved :) I'm just having a look over your responses just now, and some of them will certainly develop quite the debate within my research.. Thanks again! S x
12 years ago 1Who liked this?
@systemdown @TheConscience I've recieved both of your responses now. Again, thanks very much for your help :) S x
12 years ago 0
@SamM Sent! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!!
12 years ago 1Who liked this?
@SquidgyAsh Thanks very much! Its been a long weekend, so I'm now just getting round to going through all the responses.. Theres every chance I'll be in touch with further questions :) x
12 years ago 0
@SamM Just emailed my response - I found this thoughtful and interesting. Best of luck in your research! I'm interested in seeing what you find when this is all done.
12 years ago 0
Hi there..
To avoid any unease regarding distribution of email addresses, I have detailed the dissertation questionnaire below. Those of you who are willing to participate, please feel free to post your response, or alternatively send them to me via private message on here, or alternatively email to whichever suits you best. I look forward to hearing your opinions, and once again, many thanks for your help!
Initial demographics:
Male/Female Age group: 18-25/ 26-31/ 32-45/ 45+ Location -Occupation
Consumer Questionnaire:
How long have you drunk malt whiskyfor?
· What initially attracted you todrinking malt whisky?
· Has this attraction developed orcontinued over time or have your tasted changed? If so, why?
· How often do you drink malt whisky?If occasional, why?
· Do you favour any particular brand ofmalt whisky? If so, who/why?
· What are your thoughts on malt whiskyas a ‘status’ drink? Do you agree/disagree with this impression?
· From your experience, if you had todescribe the ‘typical’ malt whisky drinker, how would you do so?
· In your opinion, why are youngdrinkers turned off to the idea of malt?
· What do you think would attract theseconsumers to the product
· Research has shown that young peoplehave an impression that it is wrong to mix malt whisky with soft drinks i.e.coke, and that it should be drank neat. How do you feel about mixing malt? Isthis something you do? Do you feel that it takes anything away from malt as aproduct?
· If cocktails/RTDs were developed,would this alienate you from the brand/product?
· Is heritage important whenconsidering malt?
· How important is the age label to you and why?
· Do you believe enough people understandthe concept of the age label?
· How would you suggest introducing theyounger, less mature palate to the malt product? Is there a particular productyou would recommend for a beginner?
· Is trading up important in thiscontext? Do new drinkers require education on the product?
· What, if anything, would make youswitch malt brands? And why?