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Duodecuple distilled?

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Anxyous started a discussion

Hey there,

I was just looking through the Wikipedia article on whisky, and under 'scotch', it claims that scotch is distilled at least two times but "at least up to twenty times".

Does anybody know of any whisky whatsoever that's been distilled twenty times? I though 4 times for Bruichladdich was extreme.


10 years ago

1 replies

vanPelt replied

I've seen this too, and it can't be right; or at least it can't be economical. I know very little about this, but I'll venture a guess: If you look for instance at the diagrams here: whiskyscience.blogspot.dk/2012/03/… ...then you can imagine that the weak feints can be returned repeatedly to the low wine stills, essentially without limit (or until the next cleaning).

10 years ago 0