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Ever hide a bottle from yourself?

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Silas started a discussion

Sometimes I stash away bottles in different hidy-holes. That way I don't look like I'm a Scotch fanatic or alcoholic to my non-scotch friends. The other day I bought a Talisker 18 and a Talisker 1993 Distillers Edition. I opened the 18 and have finally finished it off and searched for the DE. I hid it so well that I cannot find it!! I found the Dalmore and the Aberlour, but no Talisker. Am I the only guy that LOST a bottle? Why couldn't it have been the Black Bottle that's under the glass cabinet?

14 years ago

6 replies

MFish85 replied

I haven't yet, although I may have to do that with my last bottle of Laphroaig 15. The temptation to open it may be too great.

14 years ago 0

LeFrog replied

Funny thread. I've hidden other things for safe keeping so well hat I've not been able to find them (think passport, keys etc) but not a bottle of whisky :)

14 years ago 0

markjedi1 replied

I've never lost a bottle, but then I've not had to hide it either. Can a house be sooooo big that one cannot remember where they put a bottle of Scotch? Too funny.

14 years ago 0

Silas replied

@markjedi1 True enough! But, the added complication is that I had to pack 2 rooms for the carpet guys to come. Put all the boxes in the utility room. Must be 20 boxes! Could be in ONE of them. I planned on taking these boxes out a couple a day. Maybe I'll find it in a month or 2.
Then I'll enjoy it. It's gotta be here somewhere!

14 years ago 0

Silas replied

@Silas Today I finally found the missing bottle of Talisker Distiller's Edition. High in a closet in a plain white plastic bag along with a Talisker 18 that I didn't know I had. Wow! Had to open the DE. Great! Sort of tastes like a Highland Park 18 but better! Feels like a lucky day!

14 years ago 1Who liked this?

Cardinal replied

I had a chance to buy Highland Park 18 for $59 so I bought two bottles , I have drank one and hid the other for a rainy day

13 years ago 0