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For you bourbon drinkers

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Hewie started a discussion

I stumbled upon this article about Trey Zoeller, founder and distiller of Jefferson's Bourbon, who is apparently known for his bourbon which is aged by sailing around the world on a ship. He's now recreated the journey that Kentucky Bourbon would have taken 150 years ago. It's a light and interesting read. Sorry if this is old news - I'm not a bourbon aficionado. winemag.com/2017/07/…

7 years ago

1 replies

Victor replied

The article is quite interesting, but I suspect that its author focuses on the Kentucky history of bourbon because that is where he is located and he is interested in promoting the myth and tradition of which he is a part. It is curious to me that what he wanted to know was what the Kentucky bourbon would taste like by the time it got to New York City. Whisky Advocate's Summer 2017 issue highlights bourbon and has an article pointing out that bourbon is now made in 47 of the 50 US states. Bourbon is also made in the District of Columbia. While I doubt that Kentucky will be eclipsed in the bourbon industry because it has the natural advantages of abundant good water, low rural overhead, a long established well-depreciated capital investment, and a widely fluctuating climate, I do think that some worthy competitors will develop elsewhere over time. (MGPI distillery is already a 'worthy competitor', but they are just across the river from Kentucky, in basically the same zone of terroir and climate).

7 years ago 2Who liked this?

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