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GlenAllachie 12 Year Old 2008 Single Cask #6915 for Wine4You


4 089

@markjedi1Review by @markjedi1

27th May 2021


GlenAllachie  12 Year Old 2008 Single Cask #6915 for Wine4You
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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  • Brand: GlenAllachie
  • ABV: 58.6%

Another Chinquapin barrel from GlenAllachie, this time selected by the Belgian shop Wine4You, run by the sympathetic owner Ivo Drabs. Knowing how knowledgeable Ivo is, I expect this to be very good.

Holy Guacamole, what a delicious nose indeed! Raisins, almonds, caramel, blood oranges, pineapple on the BBQ, overripe bananas, figs, dates and hint of Italian espresso. My god, I can easily sniff this for fifteen minutes before even feeling the urge to take a sip. If it can keep this up on the palate, we have a champion in our glass.

Oily and round, rich and very layered. I’m impressed from the first sip. Raisins, dates, fresh figs, banana, oranges, apricots, peach… will this ever end? Uberfruity on a bed of warm spices that give the malt both weight and character. The second sip reveals an unrivaled depth on cigar box, chewing tobacco, Tunisian marmalade and mildly burnt sugars. It even reminds me of a rum for a second on mokatine. Boy, oh boy, what a lovely malt. Water you say? No way!

The finish last forever, remains juicy and aromatic and makes me long for another sip. Caramel and chocolate at the death.

I’ve just tried my best GlenAllachie so far. Around 90 EUR. Thanks for the sample, Ivo. I had no doubts whatsoever, but you’ve simply confirmed what I already knew. You know good whisky!