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Glendronach 15 Year Old Revival Sherry Cask


3 885

@markjedi1Review by @markjedi1

20th Nov 2018


Glendronach 15 Year Old Revival Sherry Cask
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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The GlenDronach is hailed by many is one of the best malts this Speyside distillery has brought to the market. The fact that some releases contain much older whisky – because of depleted stocks of 15 year old malt, imagine that! – it is also very coveted. I tried it before, but gladly try it again, this time a Revival from 2015.

Yes, the nose is sherried wonderfully on balsamico, raisins, walnuts, but also sports some sulphur. I am reminded of new sneakers and even some washing powder. And while this could have easily gone towards an off-note, it does not. It works hand-in-glove with the sweetness that appears immediately after: dades, maple syrup and caramel. After breathing for a while, some chocolate with praline filling arrives, as does some Arabica coffee and mokantine. I’m sold.

It is quite oily and fills the mouth with loads of sherry notes: raisins, figs, dades, but also nutmeg and cloves. Lots of cloves! The sweetness from the nose returns in full force on the palate, upholstered with a touch of rubber that luckily does not go over the top. It flirts with that border though, which makes it intriguing.

The finish is medium long and shows some green herbs at the death.

The Revival – launched way back when Billy Walker gave the distillery a second lease on life – is a top notch whisky. Thanks for the sample, Jeroen!

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RikS commented

Interesting review, and especially noting how you have given it a 'rather good' mark, but one that stands in contrast with the 'hysteria' that seems to have taken over once this one was discontinued and seem to have climbed to semi-astronomical second market prices.

This graph shows a rather interesting development on price (blue = price / green = sales rating)

5 years ago 3Who liked this?

OdysseusUnbound commented

I find it interesting that you refer to it as a Speyside distillery. The Whisky Exchange, Master Of Malt, Wikipedia, and ScotchWhisky.com all list Glendronach as a Highland, but I know there’s been talk of redefining boundaries. Ultimately, regional designations aren’t that important, but what’s the point of this hobby if not to argue over minutiae? stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye

5 years ago 4Who liked this?

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BlueNote commented

I agree with @RikS. Considering the hysteria surrounding this one a few years ago, I expected it to rate closer to 95 than 85. What I’m taking away from @markjedi1 here is that it ain’t quite what it used to be.

5 years ago 2Who liked this?

Wierdo commented

The sample markjedi1 reviewed was from 2015 before it was discontinued. Ive heard its different from before as it's only 15 year old whisky now and not 15 going on 20 but still good. As far as I'm concerned forget all the hype, I'd be happy to have a decent sherry bomb whisky on the market that's 46% natural colour etc. Because although there are quite a few sherry bombs out there most of them are overmanufactured whiskies, caramel added bottled at 40-43%. We need an alternative to Glendarclas. I had a bottle of revival from my wife for my birthday yesterday so I'll review that when I open it, but that probably won't be for a while.

5 years ago 1Who liked this?

Robert99 commented

@Wierdo You have to know that @markjedi1's usual rating are 2 or 3 points lower than the average Connosr member, the important part being that he is consistant. I also think that he has a more refined and educated palate than mine and the average member and will prefer a well balance whisky over a power house one with big qualities and minor faults, the most common being unbalance. My approach, when I am reading a review is, first, to know the reviewer: his rating system and his preferences; then I established if it is a good whisky and finally I find if the flavors described are appealing to me. Mark gives reliable and very descriptive reviews so even if we have very different palates, I know how to interpret his reviews and make the conversion between his rating scale and mine. In this case, instead of 2 or 3 points, I will increase his score by 4 points because Revival is more my cup of tea as I love power house whiskies (although not as much as a few years ago).

5 years ago 3Who liked this?

Robert99 commented

@Wierdo @BlueNote The previous post was adress to @BlueNote. Sorry.

5 years ago 0

BlueNote commented

@Robert99 Very good points. I absolutely agree that @markjedi1 is a very reliable and consistent reviewer. I also agree that a rating of 85 points and up means he likes it quite a lot. Thanks for your usual insightful comments.

5 years ago 3Who liked this?

RianC commented

@OdysseusUnbound - I'd agree that it's a Highland distillery by the strictest definition. But who cares, right? laughing

5 years ago 0