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Glenfiddich Fire and Cane

Conflict and Harmony

1 685

@casualtortureReview by @casualtorture

12th Dec 2018


Glenfiddich Fire and Cane
  • Nose
  • Taste
  • Finish
  • Balance
  • Overall

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After @thewalkingdad and I were through our bourbons on Sunday, we took a nice siesta, ate some carbs, drank plenty of water, and then moved on to scotch. Most of the scotch was provided by me, but he did bring over this Glenfiddich that peaked my curiosity.

Glenfiddich Fire and Cane is part of the Glenfiddich Experimental Series. I don't care for IPAs, but this one I was keen to try. This is aged in bourbon barrels, then finished in rum casks. And, yes, it is a peated Glenfiddich. Let's see if they pulled this off.

Nose: Sugary bubble-gum (juicy fruit or dubble bubble), vanilla frosting, and the typical Glenfiddich fruits of pear and apple.

Palate: Sweet up front, then creamy smoke rolls in. Starts with grilled fruit kabob, then burnt marshmellow, and campfire smoke. This makes you turn your head sideways. If you are familiar with Glenfiddich, then you will be able to pick out the underlying Glenfiddich orchard fruits. But on top of all that is a sugary, burnt marshmellow filled with campfire smoke. At first, it is a bit conflicting. It then becomes harmonious on the second sip and very enjoyable.

Finish: Smoke shows itself stronger on the finish. Creamy smoke with a sweet vanilla note.

Overall: This is quite unique and I give props to Glenfiddich for releasing this odd-ball of a Speyside. I wish more distilleries would invest in these projects. It's a weird one, in a good way.

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MadSingleMalt commented

I don't have tasting notes or anything, but I tried this one at a friend's house the other day and thought it was weird in a bad way. Not awful, but poor-to-decent.

And I was surprised to see a TV commercial for this over the weekend! I don't think I've ever seen an ad for a single malt before. I had a "wait—they're talking about something I care about!" moment.

5 years ago 2Who liked this?

casualtorture commented

@MadSingleMalt they listen to you and give you ads based on what you search and talk about. But yes I saw it too and thought it was odd.

5 years ago 0

MadSingleMalt commented

@casualtorture, they who?

I don't have one of those creepy TVs that you talk to.

5 years ago 2Who liked this?

casualtorture commented

@MadSingleMalt depending on what permissions you give to certain apps they can pick out key words through your microphone on your phone. always read the terms and agreements lol

5 years ago 0

Frost commented

Trivia: due to marketing copyright, "Fire and Cane" may not be sold in Australia. I heard a big player in the rum industry has a similar named product planned for the local market.

5 years ago 0

newlad56 commented

Served this Scotch at my great-niece's high school graduation party in June , 2019. Big mistake. Everyone loved it and very quickly more than half the bottle was gone. Originally planned to serve it only to family, but once the non-family guests heard the word "Scotch", the men all quickly joined in the tasting. The rest is history.

4 years ago 2Who liked this?