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Heading to Islay...

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antihero started a discussion

So...back end of September I'll be hopping a flight too Scotland. Whirlwind excursion (one week), but a necessary getaway. I'll be flying in to Glasgow, then heading right for Islay. A few fays there, then back to the mainland for a couple.

Anyone with recent experiences, thoughts, advice, etc? I haven't been to Scotland in about 10 years.

14 years ago

3 replies

antihero replied

Flight is booked, tours of distilleries being arranged, accommodations being sorted out. Can hardly wait for this now.

Anyone interested in more details (or having suggestions), feel free to check out my notes on the blog from my site here: www.liquorature.com. I will be updating this as details get sorted out. Of course, when I get back from Islay, I will have notes on all of the distilleries , tours, people, whiskies, etc.

The link above is just to my personal little whisky and book club thing in Calgary, but you're welcome to chat away with the handful of us who post there. Just chat and reviews of books and whisky for the most part.

Back to the point...man...I truly can not get over how amazing all of the fine folk on Islay are. I have spoken to many (phone and email), and they have already made this amazing. I look forward to meeting them in person.

Have any of you been to Islay?

14 years ago 0

antihero replied

Hey, thanks!!

14 years ago 0