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Heat, and whisky...

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FMichael started a discussion

Bought a few bottles of Scapa 16 yr from an online retailer (good pricing - $64 each with shipping included)...Just got them in today via UPS...Packaging was top notch - however the bottles were warm to the touch - we've had 90 plus degree heat for several days...I've heard in the past that this shouldn't be an issue as the bottles are sealed - however I thought I'd ask the kind folks here what their thoughts are - any risk of the scotch being bad?

12 years ago

4 replies

FMichael replied

I did a little research, and it appears that my whiskys should be fine since both were sealed...Now had they been wine - I would be in trouble.

12 years ago 0

scribe replied

Always tastes better after being stuck next to a heaving log fire for 20 minutes anyway ;-)

12 years ago 1Who liked this?

valuewhisky replied

@FMichael It was a good question, but I guessed that they must have some resilience since they get shipped around all the time, even to the liquor stores.

12 years ago 1Who liked this?

Andrea replied

In my opinion your alcool in ok, but if you want to collect these bottles you'llhave a great probleme... the bottles, probably, will be impossible to open. The cap will be glued to the neck of the bottle. YOU HAVE TO DRINK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (2 YEARS)

12 years ago 1Who liked this?

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