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How much do you drink per week?

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Anonymous started a discussion

I have so much whisky I want to try that I sometimes think I drink too much! I would be interested to know how many units of whisky other people drink on a weekly basis.

14 years ago

13 replies

PeatAndMeat replied

I don't monitor myself too closely... but I tend to have a couple of drams on 3 or 4 nights of the week. Similar at the weekend but with a few pints and the odd glass of wine in the mix too.

14 years ago 0

WhiskyP replied

I make sure i have a couple of nights a week where I don't drink. The other nights I'll have a dram or two and some wine at dinner. At the weekend I'll probably have two or three drams plus some wine.

Probably too much but there you go!

14 years ago 0

I don't really drink drams on a weekly basis - I drink when the mood hits me, when I have company or obviously at tastings or trade shows. Sometimes I drink too much, sometimes - not enough. But as long as you enjoy it, what more can you ask?

14 years ago 0

scribe replied

Depends how the day's gone ;-)

14 years ago 0

brucefraser replied

I don't drink enough! I try to routinely enjoy a relaxing dram or two a few nights a week, but I'd drink a lot more if I could!

14 years ago 0


A couple of drams maybe 2-3 evenings per week. I do, however, intend to use my SMWS membership a lot more...

14 years ago 0

LeFrog replied

I'll have a dram most evenings but rarely go beyond one or two.

@lost-in-thought SMWS do some really nice bottlings, you get a nice broad choice and a chance to try whiskies from well off the beaten track.

14 years ago 0

markjedi1 replied

Since I'm still discovering and have so many bottles, I try to taste something new every other night. If not tasting, I'm still enjoying at least two drams per day, after work.

14 years ago 0

WhiskyNotes replied

Almost all of my drinking is related to my blog. I try at least 5 new whiskies a week. It may sound funny, but I rarely drink "for fun". I mean, discovering and reviewing is more fun than emptying bottles of the stuff I already know.

14 years ago 2Who liked this?

PeatAndMeat replied

@Porrohman Its good to know you're not alone :)

14 years ago 0

AboutChoice replied

Just perusing The Wall and discovered this discussion. Similar to @WhiskyNotes, I usually drink to taste and compare, but there are also special moments and people with whom to share. Assuming a dram is 1 oz (30 ml), I usually have 2 to 12 dramlets (1/4 oz (5 to 8 ml)) on several evenings in a week. Also depends upon who is coming over ... sometimes it is a white or red wine evening, an ale session, or even coffee and cookies :-) I try do have at least a couple days that are alcohol-free ... seems like that smoky experience can be addictive! Also depends on what I have to do the next day :-)

14 years ago 1Who liked this?

LeFrog replied

@AboutChoice 'Dramlets' sound a lot more harmless, I could probably manage a few of them a day ;-)

14 years ago 0

OutStack replied

2 - 5 a week, depending on the week. Anymore, and I don't appreciate it as much.

14 years ago 0