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Johnnie Walker Blue Label in Gaddafi's house!

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4 replies

jeanluc replied

Good taste in whisky, bad taste in politics.

Love the photo of them jumping in his pool :)

13 years ago 2Who liked this?


@Jean-Luc I'm an interpreter and currently helping a group of rebels treated in our hospital, commenting together on these pictures was a lot of fun :)

13 years ago 2Who liked this?

jeanluc replied

@lucadanna1985 that's incredible, there must be an amazing sense of occasion just being around those folks.

13 years ago 0


@Jean-Luc you would never guess what they've done and what they've been through when you look at their faces...very simple and very good folks, just put in this situation by history...but thank God it's almost over now :)

13 years ago 1Who liked this?

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