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LCBO Pappy Lottery

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mscottydunc started a discussion

Anyone have any luck this year? I struck out unfortunately.

8 years ago

4 replies

Nozinan replied

Perfect score!

...... ZERO


8 years ago 0

talexander replied

Success! Got the 12yo. Which I've tasted before, and is quite nice. It's already worth double the price at auction, so I'll sit on it for a few years and then decide if it's a drinker, or an investment (likely a drinker)...

8 years ago 2Who liked this?

sorren replied

No point me entering.. I have no luck ever st lottery ????

8 years ago 0

Astroke replied

Won an ORVW 10. Doing well in these LCBO lottery's lately, got a WLW in the BTAC as well:) Struck out across the board last year.

8 years ago 0