mrgargus started a discussion
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11 years ago
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Two words, @mrgargus, 'Alberta' and 'US'. In the Hamilton case, 'US' approximately = 'Buffalo'.
Connosr is rich in recent historical commentary in discussions and elsewhere about the LCBO, SAQ, BC liquor control, and Canadian national and provinical policies in general...but particularly about the LCBO. I think that if I lived in Ontario I would be forming caravans back and forth from Alberta. The US prices are great, but it is tough bringing it back into Ontario.
11 years ago 0
@mrgargus, the topic of the LCBO has been discussed countless times on this site, and for good reason... IT'S TERRIBLE! It's simply another tool of the Canadian government used to exercise over taxation and control.
For me, when addressing the LCBO from the point of view of someone who is a whisky connoisseur it comes down to two issues of course, taxation and availability. Obviously the prices paid by those who are at the mercy of the LCBO are completely ridiculous. Being a Canadian who lives in Japan I can tell you that the price you will pay for any given bottle in Canada is often 3 times the price of the same bottle here. 3 times... does that seem reasonable!? Of course one reason for this is to protect domestic whisky production from foreign competition. Wait a minute, doesn't our economy function under 'free market' capitalist policies? Haha! Yeah right! As for the issue of availability, again the LCBO is just horrible. When stocking it's shelves there is of course only one concern, profit. There is absolutely zero concern for providing a range of expressions for customers who are more interested in quality than quantity.
The fact that people living in Canada aren't even able to purchase whisky and other spirits online is another indicator that Canadians are not as 'free' as we've been trained to believe. Why not allow Canadians to order online and simply tax those purchases? The answer, control. It's simply another way for the government to exercise control over what you can and can't decide to do.
Based on my experience of talking to many of the other Canadians on this site your options are limited to taking long road trips to other provinces or the U.S. my friend. Apparently making a whisky run to Alberta or places south of the border will save you some money (though not on gas!) and provide you with a greater selection.
I apologize for the rant, I just can't help it... I HATE THE LCBO! ; )
11 years ago 4Who liked this?
Just looking at all the various bottles people are able to purchase online, the LCBO is really holding back those of us in Ontario, aren't they? There's a few bottles I'd like to have ordered online but most of these places won't ship to Canada. What kind of racket are we suffering here? Is there a legal means for someone in Ontario - like myself - to purchase something like an Ardbeg Uigeadail (seeing as the LCBO is only carrying the 10 year old at the moment)? Or are we SOL?