Pandemonium started a discussion
10 years ago
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10 years ago
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I've wondered if those stills were melted down for scrap, truly, or maybe they will show up in another distillery after a respectable amount of time's gone by....
10 years ago 0
I get chills when I look at the old Brora distillery. Almost like "second sight" or something ; ) I've only tasted a few Broras and they were so dandy I just could barely contain myself from ordering seconds, even at such an exorbitant price at the pub. . . .
10 years ago 0
I guess the Rosebank stills were not stolen in their entirety, but maybe violated with a chainsaw, like those of the Imperial distillery after copper thieves were done with them. Brora should still have hers, saw some pictures from 2011 with the old equipment, extremely dirty, but still intact (as well of the spirit safe, although some sources claim that it was removed back in 1983.
10 years ago 0
The magic words here are "closed" and "silent", which could mean they could reopen. An example is Glen Keith that reopened last year. Lost, on the other hand means gone for good.
10 years ago 0
With the crisis of the 80's lots of distilleries closed their door, on the 16th of february 1983, DCL (Diageo) decided to close or mothball 11 of her distilleries, in the years that followed many others followed her example and made the choice to close their doors temporarily or for good. Am I correct when I say that except for the Brora distillery, there are no Scotch Malt distilleries that could be revived? Dallas Dhu could be reactivated but that's highly unlikely due to her status as a museum and Rosebank got her stills stolen by "copper thieves" in 2009.