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New American single malt

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5 replies

WmRamsey replied

Just saw your post after putting something up about VDC. I'm nearby them and have been in contact with the reps from the distillery. I'm mainly a Scotch fan, but remain open-minded about American single malt. They answered two main questions for me at a tasting yesterday. Water source: will be two wells on-site at their Blue Ridge Mountain location. Malt/Peat: they will start by buying malt from someone else, perhaps importing from Scotland.

14 years ago 0

dbk replied

Very interesting stuff. Having Jim McEwan on board will likely stimulate some attention, as well.

14 years ago 0

WmRamsey replied

Another Virginia distillery, Copper Fox, sells personal barrels so you can age your own spirits (presumably, you'd buy a new spirit or young single malt). Anyone ever try that?

14 years ago 0