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New Connosr site - information for members

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jeanluc started a discussion

Hello Connosr!

I'm pleased to say that the long awaited "Connosr Reboot" is in the final stages of development, which means that a shiny new version of the site will be available this month.

Detailed below are the key dates for migration to the new platform and other information relating to the launch.

Target launch date

Our aim is to have the new version of the site live on Sunday 27th November.

The current site will go into read-only mode on Friday 25th November so we can migrate all the content over to our new platform prior to going live. At this point you won't be able to login or post content on the current version of the site.

Additionally, we will be locking down some features on the current site from Friday 11th November to allow us to pre-migrate some of the data, for example no new users will be able to join the site but you'll still be able to post reviews and add comments.

Accessing the new platform

When signing-in to the new site for the first time you will be asked to confirm your account and password via a link in an automatically generated email. Just follow the instructions on screen to proceed and feel free to contact support if you have any issues accessing your account. We will be on stand-by to help.

Mothballing of features

Some under-used features of the site are being "mothballed" on the new version of Connosr, most notably Lists and Events. We will be retaining the data for Lists so they can be reactivated if we choose to rebuild that feature on the new site in the future.

A note about @usernames

The new platform only allows letters, numbers and underscores in usernames. So anyone with a hyphen, including myself @jean-luc, will have their username updated automatically with the hyphen being removed or replaced with an underscore if that caused clashes.

Please feel free to contact us if your username is effected and you have a specific request relating to this.

Scheduled maintenance – Friday 11th November

Lastly, on Friday 11th November, we are moving the current version of the site to a new server in preparation for the launch. The site will be unavailable for a few hours while we move servers and update the network settings (DNS).

Thanks for your ongoing support - we're very excited about pushing the new site live and hope you all enjoy using it.

7 years ago

23 replies

Nelom replied

Nice! Looking forward to it.

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

Nozinan replied

will we be able to pick new passwords at that time?

7 years ago 0

jeanluc replied

@Nozinan Yes, you'll be asked to enter/confirm your password after clicking the link in the email - you may choose a new password at this point if you wish.

7 years ago 0

jeanluc replied

@Nozinan It's worth mentioning that the new site has much better account and password management features.

7 years ago 0

Ol_Jas replied

@Jean-Luc , can you make my user name Ol_Jas? (It sound like it'll be out of the question to get an apostrophe in there.)


Ol' Jas

7 years ago 0

jeanluc replied

@OlJas noted :)

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

Robert99 replied

@Jean-Luc Thank you for your job. Going on Connosr is my second best hobby... Well, my first is drinking those fine whiskies that Connosr's members recommand!

7 years ago 2Who liked this?

Alexsweden replied

Good news! A question, will there be an update on the whiskies in cabinet selection?

7 years ago 0

jeanluc replied

@Alexsweden Our new platform provides us with better tools to manage our database of whiskies effectively however – because of the size of the task to fully update the catalogue – we have to take a phased approach to this.

Phase 1 of the catalogue update will be in place for launch. This adds a significant number of missing products and connects them to "orphaned" reviews.

Ongoing work is planned to bring the catalogue fully up to date post-launch and we are treating this as a project in its own right.

7 years ago 1Who liked this?

jeanluc replied

Scheduled maintenance:

Just a reminder that Connosr will be unavailable for a few hours on Friday 11th November while we move the current version of the site to our new server and update the network settings (DNS).

We plan to start work at 9:00am UTC and hope to be back online by around 13:00pm UTC.

7 years ago 0

jeanluc replied

Update: the server migration has gone to plan.

One point to note is that we had to disable Direct Messaging until the new site is launched in 2 weeks. Your inbox will still be available to read older messages, you just won't be able to send new messages.

Email notifications have also been disabled for comments and replies.

Again, this will be back on the new site which has a much better notifications system.

Thanks for your patience.


7 years ago 0

jeanluc replied

The network settings are taking slightly longer than we hoped to propagate across all regions. Some of you may still be seeing the Maintenance page – apologies for the delay if you are experiencing this.

7 years ago 0

Nozinan replied

I'm looking forward to this new release with mixed feelings. On the one hand something new can energize the site and make it all better.

on the other hand, I'm reminded of the move from the old hospital in Sault St Marie (Ontario) to the new one. Much better facility, state of the art everything, etc... but the whole feel changed. As an occasional guest it was much less fun to work at, more sterile, less character.

I hope that the new site will remain as usable and friendly as this one, and will facilitate the connections we've made and the community feeling as well as this one.

7 years ago 0

jeanluc replied

With the final data migration underway we are now locking down some features on the current Connosr site. As of today you can browse your whisky cabinet but not add new bottles or rate them.

These features will be available again on the new site – thanks for your patience :)

7 years ago 0

Victor replied

@Jean-Luc, can new reviews be posted in the current period starting today?

7 years ago 0

Victor replied

I see that my question has already been answered.

7 years ago 0

jeanluc replied

@Victor That's right, you'll be able to write reviews on this version of the site all the way up to Friday 25th November

7 years ago 0

Nozinan replied

I'm really looking forward to the launch - I have private message withdrawal, and I have to admit i'm curious to explore...

7 years ago 0

jeanluc replied

The data migration to our new platform is progressing well. Today we have disabled 2 more features on this version of the site:

  • Adding new buddies
  • Thumbs-up / thumbs-down on comments

These features are being locked-down so we can migrate the data ahead of the launch. Thanks again for your patience!


7 years ago 0

jeanluc replied

Just a reminder that this version of the site will go into maintenance mode around 9am GMT on Friday 25th November. That's tomorrow morning.

You won't be able to sign in again until the new platform is live - all being well - some time on Sunday 27th November.

See you on the other side :)

7 years ago 0

Nozinan replied


same url?

7 years ago 0

jeanluc replied

@Nozinan Yes, same url :)

7 years ago 0

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