Marcus started a discussion
12 years ago
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I know you're probably looking at something much sooner, but it might be fun to have something during Tales of the Cocktail in July when I would imagine there would be a few out of towners (like me) coming to New Orleans.
12 years ago 0
Agreed - I was thinking early summer when the weather is decent, and all the Mardi Gras/Final Four/Jazz Fest craziness is behind us. Plus, that will give folks some time to think about what they would like to sample. I would love to have several people bring bottles of their choosing to share. Plus, maybe have some good cigars to accompany great whisky.
12 years ago 0
This is convenient to do in someone's home. If each participant brings 3+ whiskies you wind up with a lot to taste. The economy of scale incentivises swapping samples at such get-togethers as well. Be sure to plan for lots of water and palate cleansers/food, if you are having a major multi-hour event. These tastings tend to last quite awhile when people are having that much fun...6...8...10...12 hrs...the counting is usually done after the fact.
12 years ago 0
@Victor...I couldn't agree more! :)
Multiple people (especially if they are coming from different jurisdictions) are able to provide unique samples that others in the group may never get to try again (it is much easier to part with such samples, knowing that you will likely get the favour returned, many times over). It leads to great discussions about whisky, history, personal stories (i.e. how a particular bottle of Old Potrero came in to your possession) that are quite enjoyable and something never to be forgotten!
It is much easier to have these gatherings in a residence (i.e. home, hotel room, apartment) as finding a public gathering place like a restaurant may have hurdles and additional costs involved. Regardless of venue, enjoy and, as @Victor ensure that there is sufficient cheese/crackers/deli slices and water for everyone!
12 years ago 0
if at all possible, i would like to keep it fairly intimate, maybe 6-8 people. That way, our palates are not overwhelmed, and with that size group it would be much easier to secure a venue for such an auspicious (suspicious??) occasion.
12 years ago 0
@Marcus, 6-8 people is a very good number for a tasting. Do it commercially if you like, but be aware in so doing that you are jacking up your costs and simultaneously limiting your options.
12 years ago 0
How many members on here would be interested in getting together a tasting, maybe at a restaurant or at some interesting location?