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Newtown Pa. next week.

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Benancio started a discussion

I'll be in Newtown next week. I'll be working but plan to look for bourbon or ryes not easily found west of the Rockies. Any suggestions on what I might find or cost?

11 years ago

8 replies

valuewhisky replied

Pennsylvania is a state controlled liquor: www.finewineandgoodspirits.com

You can see inventory online (shop Spirits by American or Bourbon). There are some that are available "online only." If you order those a couple days in advance, they will be waiting for you at a store of your choice.

11 years ago 0

Benancio replied

@valuewhisky, thx, I might have to go into NJ.

11 years ago 0

valuewhisky replied

@Benancio the story of my (whisky) life ;-)

11 years ago 0

Victor replied

Yes, looks like more and often better deals in Jersey. Maybe scout out some favourites on wine-searcher.com. Lots of supply shows up at stores in New Jersey. From on-line info New Jersey looks like one of the better whisky hunting grounds in the US, actually.

11 years ago 0

valuewhisky replied

@Benancio Seeing as you're a Laphroaig fan, I will point out that one of PA's good deals is Laphroaig 18 for $65. I can't think of any other stunning deals in store, really.

11 years ago 0

Benancio replied

@valuewhisky , thx, at that price I'll get bottle. Looks like i leave tomorrow. How are the condition on the ground there in Pa.?

11 years ago 0

valuewhisky replied

@Benancio eh, still lots of power outages around here (I'm half an hour away from Newtown). I got lucky and didn't lose power, but when I took my son for a walk today I saw where a downed power line melted a gouge in the road. I think Bucks county (Newtown) got hit really hard, too. Major roads are open though, and mass transit is running. Hope you have a hotel reservation because some may be full with people who lost power!

11 years ago 0

Benancio replied

@valuewhisky , I went to the government run liquor store and all they had was the usual suspects. The selection a whiskey there was actually quite sad considering how close you are to the source. The wine selection was worse. That's what happens when the government run any business. I'm not upset I just feel sad for the people who live in Pennsylvania.

I agree with you I would have to go to another state to find a decent selection.

@Victor, I was there for work and with the hurricane I wasn't able to get into New Jersey. Limited by time mostly. Let me know if you'd like me to send you a sample of the Taos Lightening 5y Rye maybe you can reciprocate with a rye sample you have.

I'll keep praying for all the hurricane victims.

11 years ago 0