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Pappys this year?

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Rigmorole started a discussion

Anyone taste the Pappy Van Winkle 15 or 20 this year? If so, how do these fine bourbons compare to years past?

I watched The Internship last night, a film staring Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson. They mentioned Pappy Van Winkle several times in the film. It's now being name dropped in mainstream films. I fear that the 15 year (my personal favorite) will be really hard to get next year. Of course, this year it was almost impossible to find due to the inside job theft that stole a lot of the stock.


11 years ago

3 replies

Cardinal replied

I walked in a store by my brother in laws looking to pick up some Miller Lite for him and walked out with a Pappy 20 at retail. Just sitting behind the counter.

11 years ago 0

Cardinal replied

Haven't tried it yet will be opening at Christmas time.

11 years ago 0

Rigmorole replied

Well done, Cardinal. Bravo

11 years ago 0