Whisky Connosr
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Point system please

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CharlieWhisky started a discussion

This one is for the moderators of the website. It would be nice to see a different system in place for rating the drinks.

The star system you have, automatically rounds up and is quite annoying when I score a whisky at 86 and it posts as a 90........ For example if I score something a 91 your system puts it at a 95. It always rounds up sometime by almost 5 points.

In terms of whisky, if we are to truly seek and post reviews on the best drops in the world on a high quality website, we need to have a point system that does NOT round up like this. There is a difference between a 86 and a 90 drop. A BIG difference.

may i offer a simple scale from 1 - 100 that members can use to grade their drinks that is both more exact and precise in its application and also notged world wide in common use.....

Thank you for your time.

I would appreciate members who agree to please respond below.

13 years ago

10 replies

Connosr replied

@CharlieWhisky thanks for your feedback, we are in the process of implementing a new scoring system which will allow for 100 point scoring. You can read more about our plans over here: connosr.com/blog/connosr-updates/…

This is one of number of high priority updates which we are currently working on and we hope to have it ready very soon. Thanks for your patience.

The Connosr Team

13 years ago 1Who liked this?

The team at Connosr. Excellent work. Thank you for taking into consideration the points mentioned.

Love the site and keep up the great work :)


13 years ago 1Who liked this?

666ppm replied

Totally agree with CharlieWhisky. I would also appreciate the possibility to give ONLY a point scoring and not always to write a full-fledged review. I simply do not have the time to write a complete text for all the bottles in my cabinet.

13 years ago 0

drinix replied

you can already do that @666ppm. Just click "view detailed cabinet" and then rate all the bottles you want.

13 years ago 0

666ppm replied

ok, sorry.

13 years ago 0

Hogshead replied

@666ppm to be fair to you - the cabinet scoring feature isn't as obvious as it might be, so it's maybe not surprising that you missed it. Having said that I think the written reviews that members take the time to write are really valuable and I am definitely more influenced by those than cabinet scores when making a purchasing decision.

13 years ago 2Who liked this?

drinix replied

I have a short question for the moderators as well. I do not think it's necessary to open a new discussion. Does the chart "highest rated" consider only the reviews of a particular malt, or all other rates (without reviews) as well? In addition, would it be possible to feature an average rate for each whisky present on the website (not only the ones that make it in the chart)? Thanks in advance for the answer.

13 years ago 1Who liked this?

Connosr replied

Hi @drinix

For the first question: yes, this chart counts both the 'full' review ratings and cabinet ratings.

And the second question: yes, this is possible and it's an area we have plans to work on. One of many things 'on the list' :)


13 years ago 1Who liked this?

cowfish replied

I would say that scores are fairly pointless without a review. As so much about whisky is based on personal preference (unless you are the one person in the world who can do a truly objective review of something based on personal perception of flavour) that a mere number is only really useful to the individual doing the rating rather than to the community.

If you are just doing the ratings for yourself then please ignore me, but some comments on the whisky mean a lot more to me than any number.

13 years ago 0

flyfish replied

I worked for a big company where performance appraisals included a 1 to 7 scale in various categories. My boss gave me several 6s. His boss said it was not possible to be a 6 because the CEO had never scored higher than 4. So, the real scale was 1 (You're fired!) to 4 (Walks on water.) Whisk(e)y scored on 1 to 100 really tends to be 80 to 95. You rarely see a score in the 60s or over 95 (the real "water of life"). On the old Mary Tyler Moore Show, Low Grant said, "You've got spunk! I hate spunk!" If someone's tasting notes mentions licorice, someone else may say, "I hate licorice!" That's why I find a description far more valuable than a number. There are too many highly rated bottles that I find unappealing and too many lower rated bottles that I find quite nice.

13 years ago 0

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