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Private Reserve

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Rigmorole started a discussion

Anyone use wine preserver to keep a whisky alive so that it doesn't begin to spoil?

I'm talking about when it's down around one third left in the bottle and you don't feel like drinking it all the way down for a while.

I still have a nearly full bottle of Private Reserve. It seems to taint the flavor of whiskies. I'm thinking of just using smaller bottles instead of the gas preservative.

11 years ago

3 replies

Rigmorole replied

Typo: I meant to type "Private Preserve" not Reserve.

11 years ago 0

maltster replied

@rigmorole, yes I use Private Preserve since more than three years and it works really well; no difference in taste and it keeps the opened bottles fresh. I made several experiments with the very same whisky (with and without PP) over a couple of months and it doesn´t affect the taste if you pour it into a glass. If you feel more comfortable with smaller bottles thats the most natral way to prevent the spirit from oxidation.

11 years ago 1Who liked this?

Onibubba replied

I use both. I pour sample bottles immediatelu upon opening, and use Private Preseve on (most) larger bottles. I use it more with peated whiskies than sherried ones as they seem to lose more from oxidization.

I have not noticed an off taste due to the PP bottles, but I will watch out for it.

11 years ago 0

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