Whisky Connosr
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Rating System for Reviews

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MaltActivist started a discussion

I wanted to know what Connosr thinks about introducing a rating system for reviews - thumbs up and thumbs down - just like you have for the comments in the discussion forums. Or maybe have a counter that shows how many times a review has been viewed.

As a prolific writer of reviews I would like to know whether my reviews are being read and appreciated / not appreciated.

Is that something that can be introduced to the site to drive up engagement levels?

10 years ago

6 replies


I always appreciate your reviews...

Also, I too like the idea of a statistic to track views.

10 years ago 1Who liked this?

jeanluc replied

I think this is a good idea

10 years ago 6Who liked this?

PMessinger replied

I think that knowing if a review that I have written has helped or not helped would be a great gage to me, in so far as I don't let myself get to high or low on expectations of my own writing skill. Thanks @tabarakRazvi for a valued discussion. :)

10 years ago 2Who liked this?

Jason0142 replied

Some statistics I'd like to know would be. No. Of views, thumbs up or thumbs down though if someone goes to the trouble of judging your review good or bad I think they should also be forced to write a comment on the review.

10 years ago 0

vanPelt replied

Interesting idea, but how to encourage commenting without discouraging thumbs up/down.... I think there are probably many people finding reviews useful but who couldn't easily think of anything useful to write, aside from "thanks!" Maybe leaving a comment of certain length could double the effect of voting?

I would also find it really useful if I could search within one favorite reviewer's write-ups. For example I could find @tabarakRazvi's Uigeadail review without scouring through 70 others. And seeing 50 of his review titles&score on 1 page would really save a lot of time.

Incidentally, @Jean-Luc @Connosr, the website's search function is still not finding any reviews written after October 25.............

10 years ago 0

numen replied

@vanPelt, Cellartracker does that -- one can add comments, or note whether the review was 'useful' or not. I'd also favor being able to search through one person's reviews more easily, and for a reviewer to see how many 'views' his/her review has received. Great ideas, tabarakRazvi!

10 years ago 0

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@hunggar@paddockjudgen@vanPeltJ + 3 others