Nozinan started a discussion
6 years ago
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6 years ago
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As you can see... they are vanishing! The large bottles seem to be more durable than the 1 and 2 oz bottles.
If anyone has any advice on how to preserve these bottles...
6 years ago 1Who liked this?
Maybe someone who "borrowed" some from you will return a few soon...
6 years ago 0
The aforementioned someone may also relieve you of a bottle of Ardbeg Corryvreckan.
6 years ago 0
@Nozinan I think it is caused by chronic generosity, aka nice guy syndrome.
BTW, where did you get those tinted ones? My friend gets the 60ml clear ones from U-Line, an office supply outfit, but I haven't seen the tinted ones.
6 years ago 1Who liked this?
@BlueNote I order my bottles from saffire blue when I get virtual credit cards as honoraria. They mostly deal in cosmetic packaging products and stuff.
They have clear, blue and amber bottles. The clear ones are the most expensive, and today the 1 oz amber were the cheapest, as were the blue 2 oz bottles. Last time they had some cool purple 1 oz bottles as well, and I got a few, but they are the most expensive and currently unavailable.
I'd like to say my current order should keep me supplied for a good long time, but i think that's what I figured last time. They say glass lasts forever in landfill, but it certainly doesn't in my sample bottle drawer.
6 years ago 2Who liked this?
@Nozinan, The current epidemic of Sample Bottle Disappearance has me greatly concerned. There seems to be a directly proportional relationship between the sudden decline in cabinet bottle fill levels and Sample Bottle Disappearance. I'll keep you apprised of developments in my region.
6 years ago 4Who liked this?
My studies have revealed that a much reduced incidence of sample bottle degradation is possible if no liquids are allowed to come into contact with the bottles. Complete eradication of the degradation process seems to only take place when no naked or garbed human fingers are allowed to come into contact with the sample bottles.
6 years ago 4Who liked this?
ahh, that's better.
Maybe these bottles watch Dr. Who?
6 years ago 1Who liked this?
I seem to have a problem with my sample bottles. They appear to be degrading at a rapid pace.
Just over a year ago I received an order that I thought would last me a long time. However, in just 12 months the glass bottles and plastic closures have disintegrated at an alarming rate.
Has anyone noticed this problem?