frogstar started a discussion
12 years ago
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Ah thx for the info. Wasn't watching at all. But how sick is that? You Brits just keep on rocking since the olympics. Grats ;)
12 years ago 0
I am toasting with a nice dram of Macallan 10yo Sherry. Ofc a Scotch to send my congrats to Andy Murray! Cheers
12 years ago 0
I also settled on a glengoyne (from the SMWS) myself...closest distillery to dunblane in my cabinet
12 years ago 1Who liked this?
@frogstar, hey something's missing here...what does ANDY like to drink?
12 years ago 0
Andy deosn't drink alcohol. If i remeber correctly he only tried alcohol once or twice and did not like the experience
12 years ago 0
Was 2am by the time the match finished so will save a celebratory whisky till tonight but any recommendations? For the record it was a Bruichladdich 17 Year Old Fino Sherry I had earlier in the evening. Well done Muzza!