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Spring allergies and whisky

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casualtorture started a discussion

So its that time of year in the Southern US. Flowers are budding, temps are climbing, and I am sneezing. It pains me to not have a good sense of smell being such a whisky lover. So my plan until my allergies clear up is to drink my "less desirable" bottles and avoid my nicer ones until my head re-adjusts to spring. Do you guys have similar plans if your nose isn't working?

6 years ago

4 replies

Nozinan replied


If I can't smell it I don't pour it.

I have spring, summer, and fall (and year round cat) allergies. I try to keep them in check with a steroid spray and (though I know there is no evidence for the combo) oral antihistamines but there are weeks when it's a no go.

We've moved, and I recall things being bad enough that I couldn't mow the lawn in this house when I was a teen, so we'll see how it goes.

6 years ago 1Who liked this?


If you have allergies that bad, you should probably find a house that doesn't have a lawn in it. wink

6 years ago 1Who liked this?

Nozinan replied

@MadSingleMalt It's fine as long as I don't have to mow it. There are other benefits to that house...

6 years ago 0


Just a nerdy little syntax joke.

"... I couldn't mow the lawn in this house..."

6 years ago 0