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Springbank 10: Now Available! ... Oh hang on ...

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RianC started a discussion

Got an email at 11.30 today from MoM to say they had it back in stock. Just got home and tried to buy one (4.30pm) and all gone.

Went on Amazon to check and, surprise surprise, tonnes of the stuff but amazingly gone from £50 to £175!

Apologies for the phrase but f*+k me! What a joke.

Springbank need to be stepping in here as this will undo their reputation if theyre not careful. Man, I expected similar but that is just taking the p*ss.

And breathe ... laughing

about one year ago

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20 replies

RianC replied

Update: Whisky Exchange has some in at the normal price.

Interestingly, they warn that the labels are slightly imperfect: funny how they still have lots left ... (although limited to one bottle per person).I

Hurry up, folks ... (@weirdo @Timp ) slight_smile

about one year ago 1Who liked this?

Nozinan replied

@RianC DM me your address ASAP and I will order one for you

about one year ago 1Who liked this?

RianC replied

@Nozinan - Thank you very much but I have secured one already! Or do you mean for you? More than happy to hold some bottles if folk want?

Or do you mean for additional bottles?

about one year ago 0

Nozinan replied

@RianC For you or to share with OUR Connosr friends

about one year ago 1Who liked this?

RianC replied

@Nozinan - Very thoughtful, thanks slight_smile . As I have one secure I'd probably suggest anyone who wants one, or can't get one, reply here and we could work something out.

As I can't buy another, technically speaking, someone else would have to make the purchase.

about one year ago 1Who liked this?

RianC replied

@Nozinan - Very thoughtful, thanks slight_smile . As I have one secure I'd probably suggest anyone who wants one, or can't get one, reply here and we could work something out.

As I can't buy another, technically speaking, someone else would have to make the purchase.

about one year ago 1Who liked this?

RianC replied

@Nozinan - Very thoughtful, thanks slight_smile . As I have one secure I'd probably suggest anyone who wants one, or can't get one, reply here and we could work something out.

As I can't buy another, technically speaking, someone else would have to make the purchase.

about one year ago 1Who liked this?

RianC replied

What is going on with this site?!?! joy . I promise, my mind is still somewhat sane ...

about one year ago 0

Nozinan replied

Sadly it sold out before I could complete the purchase. Another time...

about one year ago 1Who liked this?

RianC replied

@Nozinan - I was amazed they had any left and jumped on it immediately. Crazy, crazy times ...

about one year ago 1Who liked this?

Timp replied

@RianC thanks for posting this mate. Too late sadly but hey ho, still hoarding half a bottle till it can be replaced. Stacks on the auctions which is annoying as usual.

about one year ago 1Who liked this?

Timp replied

Scratched the itch for a mo, as managed to get two bottles at auction last night for £45 each. Bit more on top for delivery, buyers price, insurance etc..

Well done to those who lost money thinking they could flip Springbank 10 for a profit!

about one year ago 2Who liked this?

RianC replied

@Timp - nice one! Which house was that, if you don't mind me asking?

As for the flippers ... laughing joy sweat_smile laughing . I believe ze Germans have a perfect word for such occasions ...

about one year ago 1Who liked this?

Timp replied

@RianC haha indeed they do! Got from Scotch Whisky Auctions. In total including delivery, insurance and buyers premium it pushes them to near 60 each but the last one I got from a shop was 65 so happy just to get em tbh..

It’s definitely one of my “if I only had to drink one whisky” bottles.

about one year ago 1Who liked this?

RianC replied

@Timp - I'd probably pay up to £60 or so rrp, given what else goes for that price, so not a bad deal really. Glad you got some.

It's not one I'll always turn to but when I'm in the mood, nothing beats it!

about one year ago 1Who liked this?

fiddich1980 replied

The sad fact is that demand for Springbank world wide, out strips supply. I got lucky with the opportunity to purchase this through a Canadian provincial liquor lottery sweep stake. It maybe the last Springbank I am able to obtain. It was only a few years ago when Springbank's core range would fester on store shelves. Much like BTAC, those days are gone.

about one year ago 8Who liked this?

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Wierdo replied

@RianC I missed your post at the time so didn't grab a bottle. I have one open and a couple of full bottles in my stash so I'm alright for now. @Timp that's not a bad price for Springbank 10. When I was at the distillery a couple of months back it was going for £50 a bottle. So even when you factor in auction fees and postage etc that's not a bad price. It's good to see that the Springbank 10 and Hazelburn 10 are going at more or less RRP on SWA. Maybe even a tad less. Hopefully encourages flippers to at least leave the core range alone.

I suspect that the people snatching up the Springbank 10 from MoM and Whisky exchange etc as soon as it is on the site isn't flippers. Just people like us who haven't been able to get a bottle for a while and just seizing the opportunity. Once we've all been able to get a bottle or two hopefully it should become a touch more available.

One thing I might suggest is that we include Springbank core releases in our sample swaps. I know we've all tried say the Springbank 10 several times. But the batch variation is such that one release can be quite different from another. So we could include samples and write the batch on the label. What do you think?

about one year ago 3Who liked this?

RianC replied

@Wierdo - sounds like a plan. I'll stick some of open bottle in. From March 21.

about one year ago 2Who liked this?

Wierdo replied

@RianC I have a June 2018 open at the moment. I'll bottle a couple of samples up.

about one year ago 2Who liked this?

Timp replied

@Wierdo @RianC happy to join in boys. Good idea. Got the dregs of a 15/3/21 on the go at the mo and the new ones are 22/03/22 and 14/07/22. The latter bottle is a bit darker in colour so be interesting to see if more sherry notes come through than the lighter versions. Will open one up and take some samples off.

about one year ago 3Who liked this?