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Talisker 18 for $79.99

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25 replies

Bigtuna replied

Thanks for sharing! They have some great price on a few items. Let us know who it works out.

10 years ago 0

Nozinan replied

I see Booker's for $44.99. With shipping, 2 bottles would be over thirty dollars less than it would cost me to drive to a LCBO and pick it up. But of course, there are none at the KGBO.

A'Bunadh is a good price too, but they don't specify the batch.

I will ask my Florida friend if he wants a bottle too. Maybe I'll order three. Shipping increases by 2 dollars for every additional bottle so it gets even cheaper ...

10 years ago 0

Nozinan replied

Not to mention Ardbeg Corryvreckan for 80 dollars. It's 180 here when available!

10 years ago 0

Nozinan replied

CURSES!!!!!!!!!!! The online ordering requires the billing address to be in the US! darn it!

I will have to try to order tomorrow by phone and see if they will take my credit card info over the phone. My "mule" in Florida has agreed to receive and store my bottles (and one for himself) and bring them over, one at a time (he still has 2 Bladnochs pending).

What a letdown.

10 years ago 0

broadwayblue replied

nice price....but that's some pricey shipping. anyone want to go in a few bottles? lol

10 years ago 0

asmazda replied

There shipping is very pricey for just a few bottles but if you buy 6 or more it is very reasonable compared to other sites. As I said, I bought 12 so shipping worked out to about $3/bottle.

10 years ago 1Who liked this?

broadwayblue replied

@asmazda , no doubt it's less painful when ordering a dozen or so. Not sure I can go that deep...but even at ~$93/bottle if I were to purchase 2, that's still a good bit better than I've seen Talisker 18 go for pretty much everywhere else.

10 years ago 0


@Nozinan, a $180 for the Corry!?...

... The LCBO truly disgusts me... Very happy I don't have to deal with that!

10 years ago 0

Bigtuna replied

@Nozinan are beer and cigarette prices that bad up your way as well (I'm a non smoker, but courious)? I can only assume that the prices are that high to keep people from doing things that are bad for their health due to the way the Candian health care system is set up. Or is it just greed?

10 years ago 0

asmazda replied

I'd rather pay those sin taxes than pay American healthcare costs and insurance premiums.

10 years ago 2Who liked this?

Nozinan replied

So I called them up. They agreed to take my order over the phone but give me Internet prices. Hurrah!

My Florida mule wanted a bottle of Booker's so I ordered 4 (3 for me) ad a bottle of the Corry (rounds out my collection of the Ardbeg tifects (10 and Uiggy). Total price, including $30.31 shipping, is $171.94 LESS than it would all have cost me at the LCBO.

And although it may take him a year or so to get it all to me, he'll deliver faster than I can drink it, I'm sure.

And after the exchange rate, I've saved enough for 2 bottles of A'Bunadh (or three outside of Ontario).

I looked up a couple of other US online retailers and I have to say the lowest were at this site. So a BIG thumbs up to @asmazda, and thanks for sharing the news.

10 years ago 1Who liked this?

Nozinan replied


I meant Ardbeg Trifecta...I must have been too excited to type.

10 years ago 0

PeatyZealot replied

Talisker 18 for €56,- is unimaginable here in Holland...

10 years ago 0


@Bigtuna, yes, tobacco is also highly taxed in Canada. The last time I went home I paid about $12 for a package of cigarettes in Ontario (I am occasionally a social smoker). The official justification for high taxes on alcohol and tobacco that is often given, is that we are taxed this way because of our (more or less) 100% health care coverage provided by the national health insurance system.

On the surface this certainly makes sense. Personally, I have no problem with taxing alcohol and tobacco in order to continue funding a health system like the one we have in Canada, one of the best in the world I believe. However, I take issue with extreme over-taxation, which is quite evident when we see prices upwards of $200 for a standard release whisky, and around $15 for a package of 25 cigarettes. I take issue with this because the reality is that those tax dollars are not only used to maintain an excellent health system, quality public education and free national highways. Unfortunately, that money is also used to fund asinine military expenditures like the purchasing of the horrifically flawed F-35s, and the beefing up of a Canadian military to serve in the expansion of the American (or more accurately corporate) empire.

If our tax dollars were entirely used to better the lives of Canadians than such exorbitant prices would be acceptable. Unfortunately though you have a government who instead, makes claims of a social security system which is running out of money and allows universities to increase tuition costs to even higher, more ridiculous rates.

10 years ago 2Who liked this?

broadwayblue replied

@Nozinan, reached out to them and learned the a'bunadh is batch 46. That one seems to get mixed reviews so I'm not sure about pulling the trigger.

10 years ago 0

Pudge72 replied

@CanadianNinja...Ardbeg in Ontario is a particularly bad situation...someone somewhere is cashing in on the Ardbeg hysteria. 10/Oogie/Cory are $100/165/182 where the same in Michigan are about 60/75/85, last time I checked. Ardbeg is one of the few where bottle prices are double the equivalent in price compared to Michigan/Binny's (Chicago area chain).

However, the LCBO's allotments keep selling out, so I can't fully begrudge the situation...I just move on to considering the next bottle. There are a few distilleries (Bowmore, Auchentoshan, Glenfarclas) where pricing is pretty comparable to the nearby US retailers...and Canada gets Glenfarclas 15!! :)

It seems that if anybody can find Talisker 18 in the US for

10 years ago 0

Nozinan replied


I asked them as well, and passed it up. But I did exchange a 36 for a 46 at the LCBO. Tried the 36, didn't want a spare.

Looks like my order arrived at my Florida friend's. I have enough Booker's (once he brings it) for a half a decade....

10 years ago 1Who liked this?


Do we know if this website will ship to Washington state? If so, I see some orders in my future...

10 years ago 0

broadwayblue replied

@HeartlessNinny, yes, they do.

My order arrived quickly and intact. Time to start enjoying some Talisker!

10 years ago 0

broadwayblue replied

@Pandemonium, that's a nice website. Too bad they don't ship to the States.

Speaking of which, and related to our discussion of Talisker, anyone know the most affordable way to get a bottle of 57 N? Last time I traveled internationally I looked for it in Duty Free, but sadly came up empty.

10 years ago 0

asmazda replied

I'm not aware of any online merchant/Website in the USA that sells Talisker 57 North.

10 years ago 0

MacBaker62 replied

This is a chain (4 locations) in my home town of St. Louis. I never knew how lucky we had it price wise, until I started shopping liquor stores when visiting other cities!

I think one of the reasons the prices are so good here, is there is another chain (Randalls/4 locations) a large well established wine and whisky speciality store (The Wine Merchant) and a local mega-sized super store (Lukas Liquors), that are also competitive in their pricing.

This is why states with licenced stores are bad news for whisky lovers. No competition! Those states also tend to have higher sin taxes!

10 years ago 0

Rigmorole replied

Steal of a deal TBS

10 years ago 0

Pudge72 replied

@broadwayblue...Last July, flying from Toronto to San Francisco, the duty free in Toronto had Talisker 57N for Can$90 (way better than the $175 :O that the LCBO is charging).

10 years ago 0

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